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Tuesday 26th January

Year One you're doing amazing! 


Daily Ten-  Today is free choice.  How fast can you answer the questions?  How did you work out the answers?


Maths- Day two of place value to 50.

Today we are looking at counting forwards and backwards to 50.

Lesson Link




English- To box up a story for purpose

In this lesson, we will box up the stories we have created.

Lesson Link



Today we are thinking about the 'au' digraph.

Mr Thorne teaches 'au'





In this lesson, we will be learning how sound patterns fit into a pulse, the difference between a ta and ti-ti pulse and how to change the way we represent pulse in a song.

Lesson Link



GoNoodle- Get moving with Sonic and friends

Link 1- Sonic

Link 2- Clap it out

Link 3- The children in school love this one ;)


What's your favourite?

