Please encourage your child to log into Times Table Rock stars as this also forms part of their weekly homework tasks. It is a fantastic website that really will make a difference to your child's recall of times table facts. They are set the task of playing at least 3 times per week in the garage area. They will be given Dojo points for the games that they play each week (to a maximum of 5) and they have the chance to win prizes throughout the year.
Please make sure that your child has their full PE kit in school every day. This must include a change of footwear that is appropriate for outdoor sports (trainers). Earrings should not be worn on PE days. We do not have anywhere secure to store earrings so, if possible, please do not send your child in their earrings on PE days. PE this term is on a Monday and a Wednesday (5:60). If you have any concerns about kit or any health problems your child may have, please let us know.