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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

  • Welcome to Year 6! smiley  This term your teachers will be Mrs Key and Miss Bushnell. Also, Mrs Ene and Miss Burr will work in our class.
  • This is your final year at Park House, it is going to be very busy but we hope that you will enjoy it. Work hard and do your best, but please ask if you need help or feel worried.


  • Important Information
  • Please see the curriculum flyer for a taste of what is to come!
  • Maths homework will be set every Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. Please ask an adult (or older sibling) to mark your homework (the answers are in the back of the book) so that you can do any corrections before handing your work in. We can address any problems together in school if your homework is handed in on time. Getting in to a good routine with homework is also an important part of ensuring you are ready for secondary school.
  • You should read for at least 10 minutes every night, longer if possible, but at least three times a week. Parents need to sign reading diaries to show that you have read in order to receive Dojo points that will help you gain your prizes. You will receive one Dojo point per read at home (to a maximum of 5). Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday.
  • Remember the way to become a better reader is to keep reading!
  • We expect you to be going on TT Rock Stars at least three times a week. This will also be checked and Dojo points added every Friday. Times Tables Rock Stars: Play
  • This term, PE is on a Friday. We will aim for our PE sessions to be outdoors where ever possible, so please have clothing appropriate for the weather and a change of shoes. The day of the sessions may change due to the weather so please ensure PE kit is in school at all times.

Formal method for long multiplication

This is "Aut6.4.5 - Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people...

Long division formal method
