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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!
Welcome to Year One. Your teacher is Mrs Kelly and the teaching assistants are Mrs Sanderson in the mornings and Miss Clarke in the afternoons.  

Important Information

  • PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  PE kits are to be kept in school.  As the weather gets a bit cooler, please ensure your child has a tracksuit top and tracksuit bottoms/leggings to keep them warmer as we will be doing PE outside this term as much as possible. Earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters.
  • Please ensure that all of your child's clothing is labelled with their name. 
  • Please try to read with your child at least 3 times a week.  Children earn dojo points for their reading at home each week.  One session at home = one dojo, two sessions at home = two dojos etc, up to a maximum of five dojos!  Reading at home needs to be recorded in their reading diaries please.
  • We will sometimes send additional phonics work home.  Please support your child with this work at home.
  • Please don't forget, regular Numbots use is part of our homework too.  If you've forgotten your log in, do please get in touch.
  • In the Summer Term, we will undertake the statutory phonics screening check where children are required to read 40 decodable words - some real and some "alien".  We will be explaining more about this during our phonic drop in sessions - more details about these will be posted on our class dojo page.
  • For further information about phonics at Park House, you might like to look at our page here.


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

We'll pop some useful links below that you might find helpful.
