Welcome to the PTA section!
This page aims to provide you with information about our Parent Teacher Association. Park House Home & School Society is a registered charity and is actively involved in raising funds to support the school.
Who are the PTA and what do they do?
The PTA are a group of parents, guardians and carers that work together to host different events to raise funds. These include school discos, Easter, Christmas and Summer Fairs. The Summer Fair is open to the public and has loads of fun things for kids and grown-ups alike!
How can I support the PTA?
As our main volunteers are all working parents you can help in many ways!
You can also help raise funds by doing your online shopping through Amazon Smile or easy fundraising and selecting to support Park House Home & School Society
iPhone / iPad link to easyfundraising:
Google Play link to easyfundraising:
How do I contact the PTA?
You can email us on the form below, or message us using any of our social media accounts:
If you would like to contact the PTA, please send us your message/details and we will get back to you.