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Year 2

Welcome to Year Two
Welcome to Year Two with Mrs Cook . The teaching assistant in Y2 is Mrs Millward. Mrs Ellis will cover PPA time  on a Friday afternoon.


Year Two weekly homework includes a  phonic reading book, reading their own choice of school library book, weekly spellings and  Numbots which is  to be played as often as possible.


We give dojo  points each week day the children read at home up to a max of 5 per week. We ask please that children read to an adult  at least 3 times a week. A phonics based reading book will be sent home each  week. These need to be read as often as possible so the children are really confident, we will change them weekly or every 2 weeks (depending on the book length)  so we ask if you can please send them back into school each day as we do use them for 1:1 reading. They will be changed on a Monday. The children can choose, and change their own library reading books as often as needed. These books are for reading pleasure and may contain some tricky words, so it is fine if these books need to be read to the children.They will gain valuable vocabulary experience from this through being asked questions from the text.
Spellings in Y2 are now taught daily following the Little Wandle Y2 spelling scheme. We will not send spellings home as they are assessed daily depending on our spelling rule. There are however high frequency lists available below should you want to support your child further. 


Times tables and number bonds will be checked throughout the week in daily maths lessons rather than a weekly test. The children will still be using their log on for Numbots given in Y1.

PE is on a Thursday morning. We will be doing PE outside this half term  so please ensure your child has suitable kit. Earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters.  The children need to be able to do this themselves as we are not allowed to assist. Long hair must be tied up. Please can all clothing be named.

Please can we ask that water bottles are named and taken home and cleaned each evening.

If you have any queries about anything at all please don't hesitate to send me a message on class dojo. If it is a school lunch or admin query then the office will be pleased to help.


Optional Homework Menu Autumn 24
