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Year 3


Academic Choosing Grid 4 W/C 8th June - Rivers

Academic choosing grid 5 W/C 29th June - Rivers (part 2)





                    Practise your tables daily, then , play a maths game from the academic planner or choose one other thing to work on each day. Why no


Times Tables

Spend at least 15 minutes a day practising your times tables

Column subtraction

Make your own tens and ones using straws, tooth pics, pencils (or anything else you can think of which you can make into bundles of ten).

Practice column subtraction with your tens and ones, then have a go at drawing them out. Once you have done this, practise column addition with just numbers.

Why don’t you use a dice to generate your numbers and make some column subtraction questions of your own.

Link to video for column subtraction of 2 2-digit numbers:

Maths Games

Choose a maths game to play each day.

Have a go making up new rules or inventing your own maths game.


Link to maths games videos:

Column method multiplication

Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1 digit by making your own place value counters to help you. You can either draw on counters or make your own out of card/paper.

Once you have had a go with counters, practise by drawing out the counters. Then have a go practising with just the numbers.

Link to video for multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number:


Column addition

Make your own tens and ones using straws, tooth pics, pencils (or anything else you can think of which you can make into bundles of ten).

Practice column addition with your tens and ones, then have a go at drawing them out. Once you have done this, practise column addition with just numbers

Why don’t you use dice to generate your numbers and make some column addition questions of your own.

Link to video for column addition of 2 2-digit numbers:


Short division/ bus stop method division

Divide a 2 digit number by a 1-digit number by making your own place value counters to help you. You can either draw on counters or make your own out of card/paper. Once you have had a go with counters, practise short division drawing out the counters. Then have a go practising with just the numbers.

Link to video for dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number:

