Home learning
We have provided work which can be accessed from home. Any work we are unable to set via ClassDojo will also be put on here.
The following links will take you to year group specific online work and tasks. Some classes may also have sent home some text book/ paper based activities.
If you are struggling to access the work please let us know, we can talk you through it or help by printing packs off for you.
Please follow the link to your child's year group for further information.
We have been using ClassDojo to record our team points and are now moving to using it as a remote learning and communication tool.
Parents have been asked to complete a survey with GDPR permissions and then are sent a link to join the community and connect with their child's class. If you are still not connected please contact the school office.
We will use a mix of the website and ClassDojo to communicate key messages to families.
What is ClassDojo?
ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s being learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages.
Have a look at the great selection on this website. You can select titles according to what you are interested in. Happy reading!
Weekly Writing Challenge
The author of Spy Dog and Spy Pup, Andy Cope, has launched a weekly writing challenge. Write a story which you can read out loud in two minutes. There are prizes. To find out more https:/derbyandderbyshireemotionalhealthandwellbeing.co.uk , section called - art of brill write on.
It would be great to have some entries from Park House.