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Tuesday 23rd February

Maths- To compare the mass of more than two objects

In this lesson we will be using balance scales to show when objects have the heaviest mass, the lightest mass or an equal amount of mass.



Daily Ten- Level 2 -partitioning


 English-  To tell a story from memory

In this lesson we will storymap our story and commit our story to memory by stepping and speaking the story.



Phonics- Phase 5 crossword

Music-  Exploring different ways to use your voice

In this lesson, we will be learning lots of different ways to use our voice and decide which voice is best for a particular song.



Art-  An introduction to drawing

In this lesson, we will think about what it means to be 'good' at drawing. We will experiment with mark making in our sketch book and use a variety of media; pencils, crayons, pastels, felt tips and chalk to begin to explore the different outcomes these tools create.

Lesson Link

