Welcome to Reception!
Welcome to Reception! I hope your child is enjoying coming to school and learning every day.
The class teachers are Mrs Fidler and Mrs Mills. Mrs Mosley is the teaching assistant.
In Reception we will be learning through lots of fun, play based activities which fall into the 7 areas of learning for the Early Years Foundation Stage. These are;
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Physical Development
Key Information
- We will have PE on Monday and Thursdays so please make sure your child is wearing named, suitable clothes on these days.
- We will be going outside to play throughout the year so please ensure your child has a coat and sensible shoes appropriate for the weather (please no sandals or flip flops).
- Please put names on all belongings to prevent them from getting mixed up.
- Your child has been given a reading book for you to share with them. Please try to read with them as often as possible, encouranging them to try to read as much for themselves as they can.
- Word books will contain sounds, then words for your child to practise reading and writing.
- Your child also has a Numbots login. Please encourage your child to complete 3 games per week as we do reward them with dojos.
- Please bring book bags daily and reading books once they have been given one.
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Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites.