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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!
Welcome to Year Three! Our teacher is Mrs Taylor and we are helped in class by Miss Smallwood every day and on some afternoons by Miss Burr. Miss Clarke teaches us on a Thursday afternoon. 
We are very busy in Year Three so below is some key information to help you know what is happening during a typical week.
Key Information
  • PE is on a Friday and one other day so children will need to ensure their PE kit is in school on these days. (We recommend that PE kits are kept in school).  Earrings will need to be removed or covered over for PE – please remember staff are unable to help with this.  We will continue to go outdoors for as long as we can so please remember to pop tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt into PE bags now that the days are getting much colder. 


  • Weekly homework is to read at least 3 times and to play 3 garage games on TTRockstars. Please encourage your child to complete homework as it does support and extend what we have been learning in the classroom.  If your child is doing extra learning at home, we would love to see it posted onto our class Dojo page. We can then share it with the rest of the class. This will give your child the confidence to speak aloud to an audience. We also love to see what they've been doing at home!


  • Times Tables Rock Stars is the program we use to set, monitor and assess times tables. Each child has their own user name and password (stuck in their diary) and is set a task to play at least 3 times per week. We work on Y3 tables daily as part of our maths lessons. Dojo points will be given for each child completing their 3 sessions.


  • The children are responsible for changing their own reading books before or after school and are expected to have their reading book and homework diary in school each day. Reading at home makes a huge difference to your child’s progress, so please ensure to read regularly together at home throughout the week and sign the diary on that particular days page. Again, when children have read 3 or more times each week, dojo points are rewarded to them.
Our Webpage
Please feel free to have a look around our webpage to see some of the things we are learning about this term. We will try to update it as often as possible. If you have any ideas for things you’d like to see included on this page be sure to let us know.
Don't forget to try out the links at the bottom of the page!


Y3 and Y4 Statutory Spellings
